CoCo Blog
A bilingual blogging platform to empower early career geoscientists
Read recent publications from CoCo Team members and students writing projects.
Program News
Read about CoCo Team members' adventures, from sharing their perspectives about CoCo in conferences to teaching outcomes, professional development, and community dynamics in English and Spanish.
Coquites 2022
During the CoCo Science Communication training students have the task to write a blog about a scientific article or something related to their research for a specific audience. Read about Coquites 2022 writing projects in English and Spanish.
By Nicole Hucke
Complete list of blogs
El Futuro de los Dinosaurios, por Gisela A. Morán: English and Spanish
Interacciones Debajo del Río, por Nicole Hucke: English and Spanish
Los Habitantes Invisibles del Océano Profundo, por Francisca Olivares Mendoza: English and Spanish
What type of instruments do we need to monitor volcanoes?, por Nelmary Sepulveda: English and Spanish
CURE-ing Barriers to Undergraduate Research in the Classroom, por Ileana Calleja, English and Spanish
Coquites 2023
During the CoCo Science Communication training students have the task to write a blog about a scientific article or something related to their research for a specific audience. Read about Coquites 2023 writing projects in English and Spanish.
Complete list of blogs
Erupciones volcánicas: ¿predecir lo impredecible?, por Giuliano Camilletti: English and Spanish
Casi un siglo sin terremotos, ¿quiere decir que no ocurrirán? El caso del suroeste de Jalisco, México, por Beatriz A. Cosenza : English and Spanish
Los ríos recuerdan y olvidan, por Sebastián Bernal: Spanish
¡Detente! Observa e identifica posible peligro: las corrientes de resaca en las playas, por María del Pilar González García: Spanish
Cazando terremotos causados por volcanes, por Verónica Gaete-Elgueta, Spanish
Viviendo en islas de calor urbanas - reto para la vida y la ciencia, por Suzan Aranda Luna, Spanish
Un mundo de maravillas debajo de nuestro pies, por Susana Cadavid, Spanish
Vecinos invasores: las plantas atraviesan fronteras, por María Virginia González, Spanish