CoCo Blog 

A bilingual blogging platform to empower early career geoscientists

Read recent publications from CoCo Team members and students writing projects.


Program News

Read about CoCo Team members' adventures, from sharing their perspectives about CoCo in conferences to teaching outcomes, professional development, and community dynamics in English and Spanish. 

Coquites 2022

During the CoCo Science Communication training students have the task to write a blog about a scientific article or something related to their research for a specific audience. Read about Coquites 2022 writing projects in English and Spanish. 

Complete list of blogs

Coquites 2023

During the CoCo Science Communication training students have the task to write a blog about a scientific article or something related to their research for a specific audience. Read about Coquites 2023 writing projects in English and Spanish. 

By Giuliano Camiletti 

By Beatriz Cosenza 

By María del Pilar González García 

By Sebastián Bernal

Complete list of blogs